We’re Hiring! Web3 / Crypto / DeFi Analyst

Our approach to funding is unique in the crypto space. It is a huge regulatory burden to do it properly, and we are confident we have found the right approach that works within the regulatory framework available today. 

We are looking for two analysts to help us analyze the projects we encounter through our regular course of business, and help us identify additional projects that have potential. 

Job responsibilities:

  • Research projects and provide analysis on the approach, potential, size of the market, traction, tokenomics, team, etc. 
  • Identify promising projects in specific areas: DeFi, protocols, L1s, L2s, NFTs, etc. (There will be light focus on NFTs as there are SO MANY that are just junk right now. The future use cases of NFTs are the most interesting to us, not minting JPEGs for cash grabs and flipping).
  • Provide concise and coherent summaries of projects assigned to you. 
  • Provide concise and coherent summaries of projects you find on your own. 

There are a LOT of jokers in the crypto world and a big part of our job is figuring out who is for real, who is clearly a scammer and who has big potential. 

For what it’s worth, the hard work is in identifying the projects that have big potential–we are pretty good at identifying scammers at this point. HOWEVER, if you know how things went with FTX and LUNA, you will understand that some scammers are very sophisticated and hard to identify. More on that later.

Also, we regularly run into teams that have anonymous team members. That’s okay, but it is something we will teach you to navigate. Anonymity can be a good thing! There are some ways to check on the backgrounds of people who are working hard to stay anonymous and we will help you with that.


Who are we? A small handful of degens who are working hard to help onboard the next 100 million crypto users. 

What do we do? We are a crowdfunding solution of sorts for crypto projects. If you believe this would be a difficult thing to do while staying compliant with the current laws and regulations, you would be correct! We are not afraid of hard problems.

Why are we doing this? Because it is more fun and pays better than a fast-food job.

To show that you read the entire job description, please include “web3 should not be capitalized” somewhere in your application. However, we have no official company opinion on whether or not the w should be capitalized. We see both options used all the time and nobody seems too concerned about it. 

This job is fully remote.

Please send your application to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!